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对半岛电竞中国总部地址电话 的理解误区你占了几条?

发布时间:2022-12-31 来源://www.aqfitlab.com/ 浏览量:

半岛电竞中国总部地址电话 的理解误区是经常会出现的,不少人认为该产品的使用虽然很好吗,且优势很多,但依旧会存在问题,下面就来讲讲理解误区,你看你占了几条?
Mistakes about the understanding of the imitated Rittal cabinet often occur. Many people think that although the use of this product is very good and has many advantages, there are still problems. Now let's talk about the misunderstanding. How many do you think you have?
1.半岛电竞中国总部地址电话 的厂家并不是一味仿造,而是基于型材结构,很多柜型在对威图柜的理解基础上优化、升级;
1. Manufacturers of imitated Rittal cabinets are not just imitators, but based on the profile structure. Many cabinet types are optimized and upgraded based on the understanding of Rittal cabinets;
2.半岛电竞中国总部地址电话 的部分参数和工艺与威图有一定出入,譬如柜体底部进线板,很多厂家都进行优化,方便量产和互换;
2. Some parameters and processes of the imitated Rittal cabinet are different from those of Rittal. For example, many manufacturers have optimized the inlet panel at the bottom of the cabinet to facilitate mass production and exchange;
3. There is a big difference between the production process of Imitation Rittal and that of Rittal. Rittal is to make holes in cabinets before making holes. Generally, Imitation Rittal is to punch holes before welding; Therefore, the order can only be placed after the drawings are confirmed for the imitation Rittal cabinet, and the drawings should be confirmed by both parties before production;
4. Rectify the practice of imitative Ritu. Almost the products with product numbers are independent products. For example, PS and TS cabinets do not have side plates, so sometimes they make jokes. After customers buy a cabinet, they find that there is no side plate. However, some small domestic factories often use packaged quotation and production. This is good, but it cannot be kept consistent, which often leads to misunderstanding, So we often patiently confirm details with customers;
5. The protection level certification is a test conducted by a third-party organization. Generally, the manufacturer provides products without holes for testing. Generally speaking, in case of relevant projects, the manufacturer needs to give special instructions to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer will make corresponding technical adjustments according to customer requirements. Usually, standard products fail to meet relevant requirements;
一般半岛电竞中国总部地址电话 厂家生产并柜都是单发的,不是并好发货的,所以使用方应该了解一定的并柜知悉,并能够熟练并柜。更多相关内容就来我们网站//www.aqfitlab.com咨询了解吧!
Generally, the consolidation of imitated Rittal cabinet manufacturers is single delivery, which is not easy to deliver, so the user should know a certain degree of consolidation and be able to skillfully consolidate cabinets. More relevant content will come to our website //www.aqfitlab.com Ask and understand!
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